Tianjin Sidesesi Equipment Co., Ltd. (former Hebei Physical and Chemical Testing Services Division) was established in 1992. In the past twenty years, we bring together a variety of physical and chemical testing engineer, build hundreds of laboratories and have a very mature technology and experience. At present we summed up new technologies, new methods of laboratory, which are mainly used in large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises. Meanwhile, we assist with a variety of licenses and provide a variety of qualified engineers, laboratory apparatus and equipment, laboratory furniture and ancillary equipment and laboratory supplies, for you to quickly enter the normal working to save time and money and improve product quality.
Tianjin Sidesesi Equipment Co., Ltd, Tianjin Sidesesi staff is ready to exchange and contact with foreign friends. Advance with the times! The development of our common future!
◆材料室温拉伸试验 ◆夏比缺口冲击试验 ◆布氏、洛氏、维氏和里氏硬度试验 ◆压缩、弯曲、剪切试验 ◆金属工艺性能试验(包括弯曲、压扁、扩口等) ◆高强度螺栓扭矩系数、高强度螺栓连接副抗滑移系数等
◆金属材料显微组织分析:各种金属材料的显微组织分析、晶粒度评定、非金属夹杂物评定、各种热加工后的显微组织分析、表面处理层深度测量等 ◆现场金相检验:对不便于切割制样的大型零部件设备
◆ 黑色金属及合金的主量和痕量元素成分测定 ◆ 有色金属及合金成分分析 ◆ 纯金属分析 ◆ 现场化学成分分析
◆ 金属板材、管材、棒材、线材、型材及各种铸件、锻件的无损检测 ◆ 各种焊缝的探伤 ◆ 各种零部件的无损检测 ◆ 无损检测新方法新技术的研究与应用
Tianjin Sidesesi Equipment Co., Ltd. (former Hebei Physical and Chemical Testing Services Division) was established in 1992. In the past twenty years, we bring together a variety of physical and chemical testing engineer, build hundreds of laboratories and have a very mature technology and experience. At present we summed up new technologies, new methods of laboratory, which are mainly used in large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises. Meanwhile, we assist with a variety of licenses and provide a variety of qualified engineers, laboratory apparatus and equipment, laboratory furniture and ancillary equipment and laboratory supplies, for you to quickly enter the normal working to save time and money and improve product quality.
Tianjin Sidesesi Equipment Co., Ltd, Tianjin Sidesesi staff is ready to exchange and contact with foreign friends. Advance with the times! The development of our common future!
◆材料室温拉伸试验 ◆夏比缺口冲击试验 ◆布氏、洛氏、维氏和里氏硬度试验 ◆压缩、弯曲、剪切试验 ◆金属工艺性能试验(包括弯曲、压扁、扩口等) ◆高强度螺栓扭矩系数、高强度螺栓连接副抗滑移系数等
◆金属材料显微组织分析:各种金属材料的显微组织分析、晶粒度评定、非金属夹杂物评定、各种热加工后的显微组织分析、表面处理层深度测量等 ◆现场金相检验:对不便于切割制样的大型零部件设备
◆ 黑色金属及合金的主量和痕量元素成分测定 ◆ 有色金属及合金成分分析 ◆ 纯金属分析 ◆ 现场化学成分分析
◆ 金属板材、管材、棒材、线材、型材及各种铸件、锻件的无损检测 ◆ 各种焊缝的探伤 ◆ 各种零部件的无损检测 ◆ 无损检测新方法新技术的研究与应用
- 主要经营产品:
- 仪器仪表 ; 机电设备
- 经营范围:
- 机电设备、仪器仪表、日用百货、计算机软硬件及配件、办公用品、化工原料及产品(危险品、易制毒品除外)、金属材料、电动工具、照相器材、五金、交电批发兼零售;劳务服务。经营范围中国家有专营专项规定的按专营专项规定办理*
- 营业执照号码:
- 120105000048935
- 法人代表:
- 陈宝华
- 成立时间:
- 2009-07-30
- 注册资本:
- 人民币50万 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供